Jerusalem Mahane Yehuda Market

The Jerusalem Mahane Yehuda Shuk – Bite Card and Audio Guide

Audio Guide

The audio guide accompanies the Shuk Bite card and exposes you to the stories and the legends behind the Jerusalem market. Enjoy!

Mahane Yehuda Market audio guide

Short Clip on the Mahane Yehuda Market Bites Tasting Card

What are the opening hours of the market?

Mahane Yehuda market is open every weekday except during the Sabbath and on holidays. Sunday through Thursday, the market is open from 8:00 to 19:00. On Fridays, the market is open from 8:00 to approximately 15:00. On Saturday evening, the market is closed but most of its bars and restaurants are open.

When is the best time to visit the market?

We recommend visiting the market on weekdays from 9:30 to 17:00.
Although the market is already open at 8:00 am, most shop owners and stalls will be busy arranging merchandise and organizing their workday. They are likely to be less attentive and available to properly welcome you.
While the market remains open after 17:00, it is possible that some shops will be closing for the day and produce won’t be as fresh as it was earlier in the day.

Mahane Yehuda Jerusalem

Mahane Yehuda Address: Agripas St 90, Jerusalem, Israel


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