

Israels Bahnhöfe: Jerusalem Yitzhak Navon

Erlebt den Bahnhof hautnah – ein kleiner Guide Wusstet ihr, dass es einen Schnellzug gibt, der euch innerhalb von nur knapp...

Israel's Train Station: Jerusalem Yitzhak Navon

GET TO KNOW THE STATIONS FRom THE inSIDE Did you know that there is a High-Speed Train connecting Tel Aviv...

Top 5 Cultural Attractions nearby Train Stations

EASY TO ACCESS ATTRACTIONS IN ISRAEL Israel truly offers optimal conditions to experience the country by train: near most train...

After booking: How we are staying by your side

A quick guide to the israelrail app On our tours we are always there for you. After booking, our IsraelRail...

Top 5 hotels located nearby Train Stations in Israel

Arrive at your accomodation in less than 5 minutes Whether in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem or Haifa – the journey by...
IsraelRail Zug

How to get from Tel Aviv to Haifa

With the biggest Israelian international port, the famous Bahá’i gardens, plenty of museums and different markets, Haifa has a lot...