Lockers at the Jerusalem Itzhak Navon Train Station

Heading to tour Jerusalem for the day before your flight from Ben Gurion International Airport? Take the train from Tel Aviv and leave your luggage in the lockers at the Itzhak Navon station in Jerusalem. This way you can enjoy your day without worrying about your belongings!

Itzhak Navon Station Jerusalem

Lockers in Navon train station

The lockers are located in two locations in the station: On the first floor and minus one floor. They are operated by Lockit and are accessible as long as the station is opened.

Mechanic Lockers by Lockit
There are 3 sizes of lockers; small, large and extra-large. At the Itzhak Navon Station, there are a total of 45 lockers. Suitable for any size of luggage.

The cost ranges from 10 – 30 shekels. The is for a whole day until 24:00 at night. 
For extra days – one should contact Lockit to arrange payment. 

Simple and easy to use, just follow the instructions on the locker. Use ONLY 10 shekels coins

lockers in Jerusalem Navon train station

Opening hours:
The lockers are accessible as long as the station is open.
Station opening hours
Sun-Thu 06:00-21:30
Friday Closed
Saturday night 19:30-21:15

Itzhak Navon Station Address: 6 Shazar Avenue, Jerusalem

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